Explore the Universe

``Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.''
(1 Thess. 5:21-22)

General Resources

Google is the most useful search engine I tried. It usually gives the best references first, shows the context of the search words found, and does not overwhelm one with information.

CiteSeer (Citation search in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics)

Open Directory Science

A very comprehensive sorted list of links to all and everything

Human search (free human searching assistance)

Finding people

bellnets Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Webseiten

More search machines


W3 Search Engines (for info, software, people, etc.)


The WWW Virtual Library (CERN, sorted by subject)

Point Web

Starting Point



Harvest Interface to WWW Home Pages


WhoWhere? (Lykos)

Pointers to some of my web pages

my home page (http://arnold-neumaier.at)

Arnold Neumaier (Arnold.Neumaier@univie.ac.at)