A robust approach for finding all well-separated solutions of sparse systems of nonlinear equations
(supplementary material)

An illustrative numerical example

A very detailed, illustrative numerical example is available here, in which the steps of the algorithm are explained with many figures, and also compared to traditional tearing.

Download the PDF file

Source code

The entire application was re-written in Python, please visit the GitHub repo for the latest version.

The unmaintained source code below (from 2016) serves for documentation purposes only. We intended to put a self-contained, usable application here; unfortunately, due to licensing issues with third party libraries, we cannot publicly distribute the entire Java application. If you must, download it together with the AMPL models here.



The research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P23554, and P27891-N32. Support by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under project number 846920 is gratefully acknowledged.