"Witness in the Academy" The Seventh Annual New England Conference for Christian Graduate Students and Faculty will take place on the weekend of February 7-9, 1997. (Friday evening through early Sunday afternoon; at Pilgrim Pines Conference Center in southern New Hampshire.) The main speaker this year will be Professor Richard Baer. The topic is "Witness in the Academy." There will also be a time for "contributed talks" by any conference attendee who would like to present one. (Information about these talks, including how to submit an abstract, is at the end of this letter.) ================================================================= What does effective witness look like in a relativistic, pluralistic, postmodern environment? How do we, as Christians, make the gospel visible at the University? How can we proclaim a relevant gospel to the University? How do we affirm a gospel that speaks to the whole person? These sorts of questions will be the main focus of this year's conference. Professor Baer** will share his insights and experience. This conference, sponsored by InterVarsity and the Yale, Harvard, and MIT Graduate Student Christian Fellowships, is an opportunity to retreat from your regular studies, to consider how your Christian faith should influence your studies, and to consider how you, as a Christian, can influence your profession. In addition to the plenary sessions with Professor Baer, there will be several workshops, a panel discussion with area faculty members, and times of praise and worship throughout the weekend, including a worship service on Sunday morning. There will be many opportunities to meet and talk with other Christian graduate students and faculty from all over New England. Most of Saturday afternoon will be free, providing a chance to play ping-pong or foos ball, hike, ice skate, or cross-country ski (skates and skis can be rented at the conference grounds), stay indoors by the fireplace and talk or play games, nap, or join the traditional game of broom ball on the frozen lake. We hope that this conference will help every participant make new friends, refresh your mind and spirit, and help you to seriously consider how your Christian faith can influence your work. If you would like to receive a registration brochure, contact Paula Castner at (617) 729-2550. If you have other questions about the conference, contact Lou Soiles (LSoiles@aol.com). ----------- **Richard Baer has been a Professor of Environmental Ethics in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University since 1974. He has a Ph.D. from Harvard University in History and Philosophy of Religion and a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is a fellow of the Center for Public Justice in Washington D.C. and author of a book on Philo of Alexandria, as well as numerous book chapters and journal articles on environmental ethics, religion and education, and religion and public life. Before going to Cornell University, he taught for 12 years at Earlham College in Indiana, where he was chairman of the Religion Department. He is the 1994 recipient of the Professor of Merit Award for outstanding teaching and student advising. His most recent work has focused on the place of religion in public life, particularly in education. ======================================================================== Call for Contributed Papers This year we will have several sessions of "Contributed Talks" by you, the conference attendees. WHO: Any conference attendee who wishes to contribute a talk. (This is not a requirement to attend, but we hope that many of you will volunteer.) WHAT: A 25-minute talk (including Q&A time) on a topic which interests you, relating your Christian faith to your academic studies, life in academia, or society in general. WHEN: Saturday morning of the conference, February 8. WHERE: Organized by topic into parallel sessions. WHY: This is a great opportunity to do a little "integrating your faith with your academic studies." If you have recently published an article, or written something you want to publish, here's a chance to present it to some fellow Christian scholars for feedback. If you have contributed anything to an electronic discussion group on a relevant topic, here's a chance to share it with another audience. If you recently read a good book or article and would like to share and discuss some of its ideas, simply prepare a short talk (as little as ten-minutes will suffice --- that's not very much work!) and open the floor for questions and comments. If you've been *meaning* to read a book or think about a topic, but haven't found the time, here's a chance to motivate yourself to get it done! (Christmas break!) Most of you, at some time in the future, will be called upon to write or speak on topics relating your Christian faith to your area of expertise. Here is an opportunity to practice those skills with a friendly, but challenging, audience. HOW: You can start by simply sending me e-mail saying, "I want to do this!" Eventually, I will ask every contributor to submit a title and a 50-100 word abstract, by mid-January. If you have any questions or would like to talk about style, topic, or content, feel free to contact me. Loren Haarsma lhaarsma@opal.tufts.edu ===================================================================