The beginnings of the thermal interpretation

I began to develop the thermal interpretation of quantum mechanics from beginnings in a paper published in

referred to below as EEEQ, in discussions 2004-2007 on the German newsgroup de.sci.physik (e.g., Ein Modelluniversum), from which I created a FAQ in German, Die Thermische Interpretation der Quantenmechanik. The entries in this FAQ were written in the years 2006 and 2007.
  • The Thermal Interpretation
  • How best to read EEEQ
  • Core propositions of the thermal interpretation
  • Motivation for the thermal interpretation
  • The only observables of physics are expectation values
  • Two kinds of expectation values
  • The thermal and Copenhagen interpretations
  • Why has no one before me thought of this?
  • The measurement process in the quantum universe
  • The quantum universe as a formal model
  • A model universe
  • Physical systems and their measurement
  • Predictions in the Stern-Gerlach experiment
  • What happens to individual photons in the double-slit experiment?
  • The quantum eraser in the thermal interpretation
  • Does one have to know the state of the whole universe?
  • Can one falsify the state of the universe?
  • How can randomness be explained?
  • Is quantum mechanical randomness objective?
  • How should one understand probability distributions?
  • What becomes of the superposition principle?
  • Spin-measurement formally described
  • What is idealised in Wigner's analysis?
  • Collapse as conditional probability?
  • What are the beables of the interpretation?
  • What is an expectation value?
  • What is a preparation?
  • What is a microscopic measurement?
  • But can one really measure individual photons?
  • What is a photon?
  • Are there problems with locality and Bell's inequalities?
  • Are objective measurement values compatible with unitarity?
  • How hidden are hidden variables?

    Arnold Neumaier (