GRID, VRBBO and VRBBON - three unconstrained black box solvers


GRID performs an approximate bound constrained noisy black box minimization of a not necessarily smooth function of many continuous arguments with dimension<=20. No gradients are needed.

The program (originally due to Clemens Elster) was rewritten by Morteza Kimiaei (University of Vienna) in Matlab. Please inform the author at if you make serious use of this code.

This file GRID1.0.tar.gz contains the Matlab source code for Version 1.0 (453.4K, October 20, 2021), a driver program driverGRID.m showing its use and the paper

This paper describes the method implemented and some test results. Please cite this paper when using this package in scientific work.


VRBBON performs an approximate unconstrained noisy black box minimization of a not necessarily smooth function of many continuous arguments. No gradients are needed.

The program was written by Morteza Kimiaei (University of Vienna). Please cite DOI when using this package in scientific work and inform the author at if you make serious use of this code.

This file VRBBON1.0.tar.gz contains the Matlab source code for Version 1.0 (3.0M, October 20, 2021), a driver program driverVRBBON.m showing its use and the paper

This paper describes the method implemented and some test results. Please cite this paper when using this package in scientific work.


VRBBO performs an approximate unconstrained global minimization of a not necessarily smooth function of many continuous arguments. No gradients are needed. A limited amount of noise is tolerated.

The program was written by Morteza Kimiaei (University of Vienna). Please cite DOI when using this package in scientific work and inform the author at if you make serious use of this code.

The file VRBBO3.2.tar.gz contains the Matlab source code for Version 3.2 (1410K, September 15, 2021), a driver program driverVRBBO.m showing its use, and the paper

This paper describes the method implemented and some test results. Please cite this paper when using this package in scientific work.

Old versions (called VSBBO):

Version 2.0 (600K, March 29, 2019). - Old Version 1.0 (353K, August 2018).

Global (and Local) Optimization
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