More Global (and Local) Optimization

Global Search, As Timely As Ever

``Consider everything. Keep the good. Avoid evil whenever you notice it.''
(1 Thess. 5:21-22)

This file is part of my global optimization web site. It contains sections on

Optimization Preprints

Computational Mathematics (searchable, from the SEL-HPC Article Archive)
Please submit there your own computational mathematics papers!

Interior-Point Archive of articles on interior point methods

Some Optimization Papers and/or Projects

my own papers, in particular one on verifiable sufficient conditions for global minima, one on a grid algorithm for minimizing noisy functions (local but very robust; we are working on a global version), and one on protein folding.

Constrained Global Optimization

Vorlesung globale Optimierung (in German, by Dietmar Ratz)

A survey of the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Other Global Optimization

Search netlib for Global Optimization

More Global Optimization Links (Streltsov)

ENAC Global Optimization Laboratory , Toulouse, France

Waterloo Combinatorial Optimization Page (Wolkowicz)

ZIB Combinatorial Optimization Page (Grötschel)

A compendium of NP optimization problems (Crescenzi and Kann)

Constraint Logic Programming

Global Optimization (119K) from Brian's Digest of the Newsgroup: sci.op-research

Optimization in General

Some Optimization Conferences (incomplete)

Optimization Conferences and Meetings (collected by INFORMS)

Cocos'03, 2nd International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, Lausanne (Switzerland), 18-21 November 2003

4th International Conference on Frontiers In Global Optimization, June 8-12, 2003, Santorini, Greece

Cocos'02, First International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, Sophia Antipolis (France), 2-4 October 2002

Int. Workshop on Global Optimization, Firenze (Italy), September 28 - October 3, 1999

Integer Programming and Comb. Optimization, Graz (Austria), June 9-11, 1999

Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Atlanta, May 10-12, 1999

Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology Princeton, May 7-9, 1999

SIGOPT99 Optimization, Trier (Germany),

Constraint Programming, Combinatorial Optimization, University of Ferrara (Italy), February 25-26, 1999

ICOTA'98, Fourth International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications, Perth, Western Australia, July 1-3, 1998

Third International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP97)¸ Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, October 29 - November 1, 1997

2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH 97), September 29 - October 3, 1997

Workshop on Global Optimization, Trier, Germany, August 31 and September 1, 1997

International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 97), Lausanne, EPFL, August 24-29, 1997

15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Berlin, August 24-29, 1997

17th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, UK, June 24-27, 1997

MAX-CLIQUE'97 Workshop on the Maximum Clique Problem and Its Applications, Trieste, Italy, June 17-18, 1997.

High Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization, Ischia, Italy, June 4-6, 1997

Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing, Oberwolfach, Germany, April 13-19, 1997

Mathematische Optimierung, Oberwolfach, Germany, January 5-11, 1997

6. Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms, Minneapolis, October 21-25, 1996

Some Optimization Journals and Publishers

Optimization Related Journals (a list from Optimization Online)

Journal of Global Optimization
Computational Optimization and Applications
(two journals by Kluwer Academic Publishers)

Mathematical Programming

Mathematical Programming Contents (starting with Vol. 68, 1995)

SIAM J. Optimization and its electronic submission page

TIMS Mathematics of Operations Research

Kluwer Academic Publishers: Catalogue

Annals of Operations Research (a series of monographs by Baltzer Science Publishers)

Some Optimization Sites

Interior-Point Archive

Semidefinite Programming (Helmberg)

Semidefinite Programming (Wolkowicz)

Semidefinite Programming (Todd)

Semidefinite Programming (Alizadeh)

Geometric Programming

Complementarity Problem NET

Michael Trick's Operations Research Page

World of Operations Research and Management Science (WORMS) Topics Directory

Opt-Net Home Page (optimization newsletter)

SIAG/OPT (SIAM Activity Group Optimization)

Mathematical Programming Society
(with searchable membership directory)

Mathematical Programming Society Prizes

Newsgroup: sci.op-research and Brian's Digest of it, sorted by topics (there are entries on global optimization, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and much else)

Bibliography for Optimization with Sensitivity Analysis (by Hossein Arsham)

Method of Feasible Directions

Austrian Working Group on Metaheuristics

Argonne Optimization Technology Center

Madison Math Programming Page

Myths and Counterexamples in Math Programming (by Harvey J. Greenberg)

Mathematical Optimization (an electronic book of the Computational Science Education Project.)

New Book on Linear and Nonlinear Programming (by Stephen Nash and Ariela Sofer)

Some of My Other Pages

Global (and Local) Optimization Mathematics Links
Statistics Links
Computational Mathematics Links
Mathematical Software

Interval Methods
Protein Folding
Recent Papers and Preprints

my home page (

Arnold Neumaier (