Keep the
Avoid evil
whenever you notice it.''
(1 Thess. 5:21-22)
This file is part of my global optimization web site. It contains sections on
If you do lots of computer work, prevent Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury by improving your typing habits.
Constraints Archive ``including a directory of people interested in constraints, constraint bibliographies, a collection of on-line papers, a variety of systems and benchmarks''
Constraint satisfaction FAQ, Part 1
Commercially Available Constraint Programming Tools
Constrained Logic Programming
(get the
index file first)
Stochastic Programming (NEOS Guide)
Stochastic Linear Programming (NEOS Guide)
MSLiP, Multistage Stochastic Linear Programming Code
Stochastic Programming Bibliography
Stochastic Integer Programming Bibliography
NBI, Normal-Boundary Intersection multicriteria optimization
IOSO, Indirect Optimization Based on Self-Organization (builds local statistical models and optimizes these)
NIMBUS interactive multiobjective optimization system (commercial)
Repository on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
An Annotated Bibliography of Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization
JOBSHOP, a set of C programs for the job-shop scheduling problems (by Applegate and Cook)
Bibliography on Fuzzy-Scheduling
ADOL-C Package for the Automatic
Differentiation of Algorithms
(484K, in C/C++, by Griewank, Juedes, and Utke)
official ADOL-C web pages,
TOMS version
Fortran code for automatic differentiation (284K, by Dobmann, Liepelt and Schittkowski)
Estimating sparse hessian matrices, difference of gradients in Fortran77 (by Coleman, Garbow and Moré)
FADBAD and TADIFF C++ packages for performing automatic differentiation of functions implemented as C/C++ programs (including interval enclosures)
ADMIT-1, sparse Jacobian and Hessian matrices in Matlab, by automatic differentiation (by Coleman and Verma)
ADMAT, Automatic Differentiation toolbox for MATLAB 5.0
DAEPACK symbolic program manipulation (differentiation, interval evaluation, sensitivity analysis for zeros of nonlinear systems and for numerical integration)
Knowledge Based Scheduling Archive
CMU Neural Network Benchmark Collection
NEuroNet - European Network of Excellence
Neurosciences Internet Resource Guide
Hooking Your Own Solver to AMPL
General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS)
Problem Solving Environments Site (by John Rice)
PVM demo page (parallelization software)
NetSolve (solve your problems via the internet)
MProbe (analyze nonlinear functions in AMPL to discern their shapes)
Interval Methods
Protein Folding
Artificial Intelligence
Recent Papers and Preprints
my home page
Arnold Neumaier (Arnold.Neumaier@univie.ac.at)